

Incident History

Jul 27
Jul 26
Jul 25
Jul 24
Jul 23
Jul 22
Jul 21
General Application Status - C5 Instance
EXPENSE - C5 Instance
General Expense
Image / Receipt Processing
Credit Cards
INVOICE - C5 Instance
General Invoice
Image Processing
Purchase Order
ANALYTICS - C5 Instance
Announcements C5 Instance

Recent Activity

This Week
C5 Instance General Application Status - C5 Instance EXPENSE - C5 Instance INVOICE - C5 Instance Feeds Exports Exports Credit Cards

We are aware that some customers are unable to upload files to our FTP site, the connection issue seems to be intermittent. Our Operations team is working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.  We apologize for the inconvenience this is causing. We will provide an update as more information becomes available or the issue is resolved.

Our Operations team is still working on having this issue permanently resolved, which seems to be intermittent. There may be a delay in the export files and the processing of feeds and credit card transactions upload. We will post another update once resolved.

Our operations team has resolved the issue some customers were seeing logging into and placing files on our FTP site. If you tried to load a file but encountered login issues you will need to reload the file. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. 


Last Week
C1 Instance C3 Instance C5 Instance C7 Instance General Application Status - C1 Instance General Application Status - C3 Instance General Application Status - C5 Instance General Application Status - C7 Instance Login Login Login Login

On Saturday, July 20th, starting at 6:00 pm EDT/10:00 pm UTC, we will perform our regularly scheduled maintenance on the Production site. The system will be offline for approximately 4 hours while we upgrade our infrastructure. The standard maintenance page will display for users during this period.

The Chrome River scheduled maintenance has completed.

C1 Instance C3 Instance C5 Instance EXPENSE - C1 Instance EXPENSE - C3 Instance EXPENSE - C5 Instance General Expense General Expense General Expense

Chrome River is aware that icon images of tile expenses do not display in some screens, such us Mosaics. Our engineering team is looking into this issue to restore the icons as soon as possible.

Chrome River has resolved the issue where icon images of tile expenses were not displaying in some screens, such us Mosaics. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Week of 07/07/2024
C1 Instance C2 C3 Instance C5 Instance C7 Instance HelpDesk Home Helpdesk Announcements Topics Cases Dashboard Announcements C2 Admirals Announcements C1 Instance Announcements C3 Instance Announcements C5 Instance Announcements C7 Instance

Chrome River is aware of issues some users are seeing trying to login to the help desk from the Chrome River application. We are looking into this as a top priority and will update you as soon as possible.

In the meantime, you can login by going to Your username is your email address with ".cr" appended to the end.

Chrome River is continuing to address the issue some users are seeing trying to login to the help desk from the Chrome River application. We are looking into this as a top priority and will update you as soon as possible.

As a reminder, you can login by going to Your username is your email address with ".cr" appended to the end.

Chrome River has resolved the issue some users were seeing trying to login to the help desk from the Chrome River application. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. 

C1 Instance C2 C3 Instance C5 Instance C7 Instance HelpDesk Home Helpdesk Announcements Topics Cases Dashboard Announcements C2 Admirals Announcements C1 Instance Announcements C3 Instance Announcements C5 Instance Announcements C7 Instance

Chrome River is a aware of an issue some users are experiencing when trying to respond to an existing help desk case by email. We are looking into this as a top priority.  

The issue some users were seeing when responding to an existing help desk case is now resolved. We apologize for an inconvenience this has caused.