

Incident History

Jul 02
Jul 01
Jun 30
Jun 29
Jun 28
Jun 27
Jun 26
General Application Status - C1 Instance
EXPENSE - C1 Instance
General Expense
Image / Receipt Processing
Credit Cards
INVOICE - C1 Instance
General Invoice
Image Processing
Purchase Order
ANALYTICS - C1 Instance
Announcements C1 Instance

Recent Activity

Last Week
C1 Instance EXPENSE - C1 Instance General Expense

Chrome River is aware of a delay in the routing of expense reports through the Risk Autobot. This only applies to customers utilizing our Risk Monitor service. Our Engineering team is reviewing as a top priority and we will provide an update once we know more.

The Chrome River Engineering team has resolved an issue causing a delay in the routing of expense reports through the Risk Autobot. All expense reports have now routed correctly. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Week of 06/16/2024
C1 Instance C3 Instance C5 Instance C7 Instance EXPENSE - C1 Instance EXPENSE - C3 Instance EXPENSE - C5 Instance EXPENSE - C7 Instance General Expense General Expense General Expense General Expense

Chrome River is aware of an issue with submitting Per Diem expense items. An incorrect total amount is triggering a #SC03 compliance warning unexpectedly. Our engineering team is investigating this as a priority.

The issue for users receiving a compliance error when submitting reports with Per Diem expense line items is now resolved. Any line items affected will need to be opened and resaved in order to submit. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.


Week of 06/09/2024
C1 Instance C3 Instance C5 Instance C7 Instance General Application Status - C1 Instance General Application Status - C3 Instance General Application Status - C5 Instance General Application Status - C7 Instance Login Login Login Login

On Saturday, June 15th, starting at 6:00 pm EDT/10:00 pm UTC, we will perform our regularly scheduled maintenance on the Production site. The system will be offline for approximately 4 hours while we upgrade our infrastructure. The standard maintenance page will display for users during this period.

The Chrome River scheduled maintenance has completed.

C1 Instance C2 C3 Instance C5 Instance C7 Instance EXPENSE - C1 Instance EXPENSE - C2 EXPENSE - C3 Instance EXPENSE - C5 Instance EXPENSE - C7 Instance General Expense General Expense General Expense General Expense General Expense Emails Emails Emails Emails Emails Image / Receipt Processing Image / Receipt Processing Image / Receipt Processing Image / Receipt Processing Image / Receipt Processing Exports Exports Exports Exports Exports Pre-Approval Pre-Approval Pre-Approval Pre-Approval Pre-Approval Credit Cards Credit Cards Credit Cards Credit Cards Credit Cards

Our engineering team has resolved an issue where customers using our V3 Expense API may have experienced an issue where hotel line item amounts were being excluded from the report totals.  Any API calls made to the V3 API between Thursday, June 13th, starting at 7:24 pm EDT, and ending on Friday, June 14th, at 10 am EDT could be effected.  For reports which were submitted for routing during that time we suggest recalling and resubmitting to get the correct values.

This issue is resolved. Please note for reports which were submitted for routing during that time we suggest recalling and resubmitting to get the correct values.

C1 Instance EXPENSE - C1 Instance General Expense Image / Receipt Processing

The Chrome River Engineering team is implementing an upgrade to our backend image processing for our EXPENSE product. All teams are monitoring but we do not expect any disruption in the user experience today as this feature is rolled out. We have already tested this functionality in QA/UAT for an extended period of time and we are confident in the results. If you or your users notice any issues with viewing or attaching images today, please open a help desk case. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter.